Saturday, November 3, 2012

Psychadelic Soldier (Song Lyrics)

Psychadelic Soldier
When I was in Junior High and High School, I waxed rather poetic during that time (even though I had a voice, it still needed time to be seasoned.) What can I say? How would a sixteen or seventeen year old be able to see the big picture of things anyways? We thought that Reagan was going to start a war with the USSR but what we didn't know was that the groundwork for the actual war being waged was laid down almost a decade before Ronald Reagan took office. That was not how I perceived things to be and I thought I would be drafted but the Selective Service signup was only done to scare the USSR...go figure! Out of all of the war poems I wrote (using my rather limited scope of mind) this one is most prominent in my memory even after all of the years that have gone by. I will be fifty in three weeks so as a sort of marking of the event, here is a poen I wrote in 1979. (With some minor changes)

Psychadelic Soldier

By Timothy Linnomme (Krug)

In a torrid, deadly valley
the dead are everywhere, all around...
Two soldiers walk 'mongst the fallen, one screams out and hits the ground
The other sees the enemy....CUT HIM DOWN....
The government plants its puppets like seeds sown....

Psychadelic Soldier.....Is your mind even sober...

Onward through the forest,
clouded eyes see a distant hill...
Command reflex in his mind....KILL!!!
Running like a robot
with a weapon of steel construction...
With its own message to preach..."Thou Shalt Kill!"

Psychadelic soldier, where are your virtues and your values?
Are they ground into the dust where you once laid?
The colors you hold sacred..the scarlet red of blood...
mixed with colorless gray of many shades...

The war it rages onward
with no victory or surcease in sight...
A soldier follows orders...
that inevitably means he will fight
And no morals or objections..
will really serve to make it right...

Even deep within a group he's alone...

Psychadelic Soldier there is danger to your mind!
You can't call yourself human while you are killing humankind!
What is filtered through your eyes you will soon come to despise...
as the colors you learned now fade away...


See the unholy shade of red...
And the ground is an electric shade of blue...
You played the devil's hand,,.,and won with five aces...
Won your life...but lost your mind...

The war is finally over; to homecoming he arrives..
Despite all attempts to kill him, the soldier is still alive...
But no one sees the damage that the soldier carries inside...
Walking wounded, all is now dead to his eyes...

Psychadelic Soldier, have you lost your holy mind!
The people won't go near you or others of your kind!
The colors are electric, at least the ones that jolt your eyes...
You have learned...that its peace you despise...

And you're all're all alone......

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